Episode 1 – Grind Before you shine
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Episode 4 – Do Well So You Can Do More Good
A MUST HEAR for all business owners, entrepreneurs, and restaurant managers. Chef Nat explains how success is measured in happiness, and not through your bank account. “ The Better I do the more I can help people… The more I can help the community… The more I can...
Episode 3 – Speak Your Truth
REAL TALK - Chef Nat, Angie, and featured guest, Valerie Stunning of Paradise City Creamery talk about doing the best you can with what you have. Besides what’s happening from the outside in, don’t be afraid to talk about from the inside out. We don’t have control on...
Episode 2 – Be Brave Enough to Start a Conversation That Matters
Be thoughtful about what you say but also speak your truth. A lot of the times we are so afraid to just tell people how we really feel and what’s really going on with us when at the end of the day the only way we’re going to get to where we want to go is by sharing...
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